Tropical and Temperate Grassland Biomes

Summary : There are tropical grasslands and temperate grasslands, both that are massive systems with diverse climate, vegetation, and fauna. In tropical grasslands, more loosely referred to as savannas, the environments are wet at times and very dry at times; grass is the most primary vegetation, followed by a secondary covering of rather unimportant tree coverings. Temperate Grasslands such as steppes and prairies describe those interiors of continental nature where almost exclusively grass forms the vegetation. The animal life ranges from herbivores like antelopes to carnivores like lions. However, with human interference of farming and urbanization, their biomes get threatened because their interference with natural balances disrupts them. It gives key information regarding the grasslands’ climate, vegetation, fauna, and human impact that will prove rich in terms of ecological value for these grasslands.

Headings Covered Include:

  • Introduction of Grassland Biomes
  • Tropical Grasslands: Climate, Vegetation, and Fauna
  • Temperate Grasslands: Characteristics and Diversity
  • Regional Variation in Grassland Ecosystems
  • Human Impacts on Grassland Environments

Introduction :

Some of the largest grasslands in the world are the prairies of North America, the steppes of Russia, and the pampas of Argentina. According to location, grasslands are of two types: tropical grasslands and temperate grasslands.

Tropical grassland Biome

Tropical grassland Biome
Image: AI


Grasslands consisting of trees in tropical regions are called savannas. The savanna biome or tropical grassland biome is located between 10°-20° latitude in both hemispheres. East-Africa and Sahara This biome can be observed in the south, the northern part of South America, and the southern part of the island of Madagascar.


  • Presence of dry and wet seasons.
  • Year-round high-growth
  •  The average annual rainfall is 25–30 cm.
  •  80–90 per cent of the total rainfall occurs during summer.

Characteristics of biomes

The ideal favorable climate for savanna is the presence of wet and dry seasons. The savanna region is characterized by a predominance of grasses and an intermittent distribution of scattered plants. This grassland region is roughly divided into five regions based on the variation in rainfall – [1] African grassland savanna. [2] In Venezuela, these grasslands are the Llanos. [3] In Brazil these grasslands are llanos. [4] Grasslands in northern Australia. [5] Equatorial monsoon grasslands of Southeast Asia.


Tropical grassland Biome
Image: Canva

Plant Community

Although the savanna biome is made up of trees and grasses, grass dominance is the main feature. The vegetation here is three-layered.

  • Ground Layer: In this layer, grass is Composed of virut plants. Grasses are tough, uneven and evergreen. Their height is 80 cm to 3.5 m. The roots of grasses are arranged horizontally in a reticular pattern. The main grass species here are Panicum, Paspalum, Andopogon, Aristida, Scimisia triodea etc.
  • Middle Layer: The layer between the savannah is made up of grove and thorny woody radius.
  • Top Layer: This layer is made up of different types of trees. The height of these trees is 6-12 meters. Most of the tree essences here are very deep in the mortality. The surface of the trees is very flat. Branches emitted from the trunk come into contact with the intermediate layer.

Notable tree species: Notable trees here Species are Isoberlinia, Baobab, Dompam, Eucalyptus etc. The amount of primary production varies in different parts of the savanna biome. The average primary production here is about 900 grams/sq.m/year. Savannah vegetation can be divided into three classes according to the predominance of trees and grasses.

  • Woodland Savanna: Savanna Trees and shrubs predominate in forests. Such plants form the highest layer of this forest. As a result, there is an accumulation of virulent plants at the ground level.
  • Tree Savanna: In this case, open nature vegetation consisting of sparsely distributed trees and shrubs is developed. The land is covered with grass.
  • Grass Savanna: In this case trees and shrubs are absent. Grass is the main plant. However, open areas without grass are occasionally observed here.

Animal Community

Species diversity can be observed among different fauna groups in the savanna biome. During the wet season, there is an abundance of food as plant growth is high. But during the dry season, there is a shortage of food. Fauna groups in the savanna biome can be divided into several classes.

  •  Large mammals: Among the various types of large mammals in the savanna biome are antelopes, badgers, giraffes, etc. The largest number of species of herbivorous mammals (buffalo, zebra, giraffe, elephant, hippopotamus) can be observed in the tropical grasslands of Africa. Deer and guanaco are prominent mammals in the tropical grasslands of South America. On the other hand, the kangaroo is an important tropical grassland mammal in Australia.
  • Bird species: Various species in the tropical grassland biome Birds can be observed. African ostriches are particularly notable. Among the notable birds of South America are toucans, parrots, woodpeckers, cormorants, doves, tigers, etc. Among the flightless birds here, the emu bird is notable.
  • Invertebrates: Invertebrates are also quite diverse in tropical grasslands. Invertebrates include various types of insects such as flies, locusts, wasps, ants, spiders, wasps, wasps, grasshoppers, etc. Predominance of smaller invertebrates in the wet season and large invertebrates in the dry season.

Substantial competition for food is observed among different animals in tropical grasslands. The degree of competition varies, especially during the wet and dry seasons. Scientist A. F. Lampray (1964) divided the fauna of the Krantaya grassland biome into five groups.

  • Animals with little or no seasonal migration → giraffe, gazelle etc.
  •  The animal that partially migrates during the dry season is → impala.
  • Animals that partially migrate in the wet season → rhinoceros.
  • Animals that migrate during the dry season are buffalo, zebra etc.
  • Ever-migratory animals are buffaloes, zebras, elephants, etc.

Human activities currently threaten the existence of the savanna biome. Vast grasslands here were burnt. As a result, this biome is being damaged in various ways. Moreover, this grassland has been converted into agricultural land. As a result, the area of ​​grassland has been reduced considerably.

Temperate Grassland Biome

Temperate Grassland Biome
Image: AI

Temperate grasslands are located in the interior of the continent in areas dominated by westerly winds. Due to this, the presence of trees is not noticed in this area. Grasses are the main natural vegetation of this region. In the Southern Hemisphere, these grasslands are mainly located on the southeast coasts of the continents. Temperate grasslands are known by different names on different continents.

  •  In Eurasia, it is known as the steppes. It is the Black Sea It stretches from the coast across the great plains of Russia to the foothills of the Altai Mountains.
  •  In the North American continent of Canada and the United States of America, this grassland is known as prairie. It ranges from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains to temperate deciduous forests in the west.
  • Known as Pompas in Argentina and Uruguay in South America.
  • In South Africa, it is known as the veld.
  • In southeastern Australi, it is known as the Downs.
  • In New Zealand,d it is known as Canterbury.


Temperate Grassland Biome
Image: Canva

Plant Community

Grasses are the dominant vegetation in temperate grassland regions. Grasses belonging to the ‘Gramini’ group are particularly notable among these. Apart from grasses, some herbaceous plants grow in this biome. The absence of trees or herbaceous plants is one of the characteristics of this biome. Considerable variation is observed in the natural flora of grasslands located on different continents-

1. The Eurasian Steppes Region: Former Soviet Russia Steppes grasslands spread over a vast area. The steppes region here is divided into four parts-

  • Steppes Forest: Oak in this part of the steppe region, Forests of trees such as maple aspen, willow etc. have developed.
  • Meadow steppes: Occasional in steppe forests Open grassland is seen. It is called Meadow Steps. Mainly fescue grasses and feather grasses grow here.
  •  Grass steppes: Grass is the dominant vegetation in this area. Tusk grass is the dominant species in this region.
  • Steppes with desert vegetation: This part of the steppe grasslands is found in the extreme south and southwest of the former Soviet Union. Mainly fescue and feather grasses are found here.

2. North American Prairie Region: North American prairie grasslands range from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in the west to temperate deciduous grasslands in the east. Prairie regions can be divided into three parts based on the height of the grass.

  •  Long Grass Prairie: This region is in North America and can be seen in the east. The grass species here are bluestem and switch grass.
  • Mixed Prairie: This region is United States of America It extends from the Canadian border south to the state of Texas. The grasses here include bluestem, needle grass, June grass, and buffalo grass.
  •  Short grass prairie: This region is in America Located in the western part of the Great Plains. Mainly grasses are gathered here.

3. Pampas region of South America: In South America, 15 per cent of the land area is covered by pampas grasslands. Pampas grasslands are divided into two categories based on moisture content.

  • Almost Humid Pampas: This region developed in the western desert climate.
  • Humid Pampas: This region developed in the relatively rainy region of eastern Argentina. The main dominant grass species in the Pompas region are Briza, Bromus, Panicum, Paspalum etc.

4. Veld region of Africa: Veld grasslands of Africa Found in the south-eastern plateau region. The grassland here can be divided into three parts-

  • Themed Veld: This region is located in Africa at an altitude of 1500-1700 m. The notable grass species here is red grass.
  • Sour Veld: This region developed with Themedo Veld. The notable grass species here are Aristida, Hyperhenia etc.
  • Kindred Veld: This region occurs in the Drakensberg Mountains. The grass species here are fescue and bromus etc.

5. Downs region of Australia: Downs of Australia The region is developed in southeastern Australia and northern Tasmania. This Downs meadow is divided into three parts-

  • Temperate long grass downs: eastern New Long grass ranges from South Wales to Victoria in the west and Tasmania to the east. The main grass species here are poa, tussock etc.
  • Temperate grassy downs: this region Developed in the north of the long grass area. The notable grasses here are Danthania and Stipa.
  • Desert grassy downs: of the aforementioned grasslands The location of this meadow is in the north. The notable grasses here are Aristada, Moolga etc.

6. Canterbury Meadows of New Zealand: New Zealand True grasslands develop in the eastern part of the South Island and the middle of the North Island. Here mainly tusk grasses and cluster grasses can be observed. Two types of grasses are found in the grasslands here-

  •  Curly tussock grasses: The main species in this family are fescue and poa. Their height is about 50 cm.
  •  Tall grasses: Among the tall grasses, Chinomecloa is the dominant species.

Animal Community

A limited number of mammal species are observed in the temperate grasslands of the northern and southern hemispheres. They are mainly migratory. The following are the characteristics of animals living in the grasslands of different continents:

1. Fauna of the steppes of Eurasia:

Notable animals of the Eurasian steppes are the saiga deer in the west and the Mongolian gazelle, deer in the east. Among the rodents, sharp-toothed snails, rats, etc. are notable. Predators here are wolves, eagles, hawks, polar cats etc.

2. Prairie fauna of North America: The main animals of the prairie are bison and antlered deer. Among the sharp-toothed carnivores of this region are the shrews, prairie dogs, etc. The notable predators here are wolves, rattlesnakes, jackals, hawks, etc.

3. Fauna of South American pampas: Most of the fauna of pampas grasslands in South America are herbivores. Among the herbivorous grazing animals here, the pampa deer is particularly notable. The sharp-toothed soft-penetrating mammals here are viscus and mara. A type of bird called Rhea lives in the Pampas region, they cannot fly. The main predator here is the wolf. Some are seasonal in pampas grasslands Migratory birds are seen; For example, swans, ducks, bucks etc.

4. Veld fauna of South Africa: Antelope, hyena, jackal, lion, formerly in the veld.

Gatherings of animals like leopards, zebras etc. were observed. But today much of the veld has been converted into farmland. Therefore, various domesticated animals such as cattle, sheep, goats etc. are seen here at present. Among sharp-toothed animals hares, gerbils, etc., and soft-bodied carnivores are notable.

5. Fauna of the Australian Downs: Kangaroos are the main fauna of the Australian Downs. There are three types of kangaroos. namely red kangaroo, grey kangaroo and walrus kangaroo. Besides, European rabbits are also seen here. Emu is the notable bird of the region. They cannot fly.

6. Fauna of the Canterbury region of New Zealand: This grassland region is isolated from the rest of the continental region and lacks herbivores and carnivores. In the past, there was a type of bird called moas. They are now extinct.

The temperate grassland biome has been modified more by human activities than any other biome. Rapid conversion of grasslands to agriculture has changed the climate, soil, natural vegetation etc. of the region. Besides, indiscriminate hunting of animals is also causing considerable changes in the animal resources of the biome.

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Md Sohil is a passionate environmentalist with an M.A. in Environmental Studies. As a skilled writer and fact-checker for the OurPlanet website, he is dedicated to promoting accurate, insightful, and engaging content that inspires readers to care for the environment. Md Sohil combines his academic expertise with a flair for storytelling to raise awareness about pressing ecological issues and sustainable solutions.

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